I know, I know, it's been a long time since my last post. =)
Things just don't seem to be working out for us to build our house right now. It seems that all the doors are closing. We are however keeping our eyes and ears open for a fixer up house. Something we could live in for a few years and fix up to sell for a profit. We would still greatly love to build a house, but it looks like it may have to wait. God must have something else for us! I just keep trying to remind myself that God is the one in control and He has a perfect plan for us. I like to be in control, know what is going on, and know what's going to happen next so this process is a little difficult for me. But I am trying to just trust Him and His leading in our lives.
We have some super exciting news! My brother Nathan and his wife Stacia just announced that they are expecting their first child sometime in September! This is going to be only our second niece/nephew on my side of the family. So we are really excited!!!! Another child to spoil.... i mean love. =)
Hmmmmm.....God's perfect plan.....for starters you must confess your sin and repent. Then and only then will you be in a position to be blessed by God.
Wow, something like that, posted anonymously. It kind of makes one wonder about the intent of the message. Are you ashamed of your faith or something? Confess your sin and repent? As Christians, we must all Confess our sins and repent. Are you trying to imply something or are you merely saying that we are all sinners, and all must repent in order to not only receive blessings, but to even receive salvation? Or are you just one of those overly religious zealots that almost always seems to take things one step too far? I am interested in your reply and in your reason for posting such an out of place comment on a blog such as this.
While confession and repentence is necessary for all of us, this is a bit too much. Sorry I just found it Kiddo, but don't let Anonymous posters get to you.
Sometimes God's timing isn't ours. Wile that doesn't mean we are without sin, it also doesn't mean we are beign judged by God in the withholding of what we ask for.
Wow, so much to say about such an inane anonymous comment, but so little space. Maybe that is why it was anonymous, so people like me didn't reply with a 50-page email essay on faith, confession, and God's blessing. Sent to anonymous persons daily. ;)
thanks! i just don't get people sometimes. i am living my life the way i believe God wants me to. i'm not going to apologize for that.
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