I never knew until that moment how bad it could hurt to lose something you never really had. ~From the television show The Wonder Years

Friday, November 27, 2009

Electronic press kits

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life is continually changing

Since my last post-

James got a temporary job

Went on vacation to Florida

Found out Janel and Aaron are having a boy.

We joined capstone church.

James got a great job offer in Columbia, SC.

James quit his temporary job.

James accepted the position in Columbia.

I went to Florida for a sister weekend that turned into a family weekend.

James received his start date (august 3).

On our first day of searching we found a wonderful apartment in Columbia. It’s less than a mile from James’ new work place.

(I’m sure I am still forgetting something) =)

Now I am here in Fountain Inn, and James is in Columbia. I have two more weeks of work and then I am off to Columbia, too. I’m so excited! We have wanted to move for awhile now. Everything is falling into place. I guess that is how you know that it’s God’s will. We are really going to miss our friends here in Ft. Inn/S’ville, but we will be back every couple of weekends. I’m so looking forward to what the future holds for us. I’m continually amazed at how the Lord works things out. We have prayed many prayers this year, and we have seen God work in huge ways. I will never forget this year and all the ways that I have seen God work. I’m really going to miss everyone at our new church, capstone. By the way, if you are looking for a church you should really check Capstone out.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

hmm... what to write?

A lot has happened since my last post. I can't believe that it has been 3 months already. This year seems to be flying by.

A couple of weeks after my last post James was laid off from his job. Thankfully though they continued paying him for the following three months. The timing of him losing his job couldn't have been worse, but it couldn't have been better either. This year has brought a lot of new struggles for us, but through it all God is good. We have drawn close to Him and closer to each other.

I am amazed every day at the wonderful things God is doing. We have found a church!!!!!! I am extremely excited! I actually look forward to Sunday now! We are starting to get more involved and meet new people. I have even been put on the nursery list! =) I know it seems silly, but after not having a place to fit in for so long, it just feels so good. I don't know that I could have made it through the stress this year has brought without the church and my sister Janel.

James and I both got braces in February. We both hate them, and we are looking forward to the day we get them taken off. I can't wait to see the results!!!

It seems that our family is growing. Not mine and James'. =)
Nathan and Stacia are having a baby girl in September. Janel and Aaron are having a baby in November. I have been having dreams about twins for the past week so I am betting that Janel and Aaron are having two babies. I can't wait to find out! I wonder who will be next.

If you think about it would you please pray that James will find a job soon.? We would really appreciate it.


Friday, January 16, 2009

small update

I know, I know, it's been a long time since my last post. =)

Things just don't seem to be working out for us to build our house right now. It seems that all the doors are closing. We are however keeping our eyes and ears open for a fixer up house. Something we could live in for a few years and fix up to sell for a profit. We would still greatly love to build a house, but it looks like it may have to wait. God must have something else for us! I just keep trying to remind myself that God is the one in control and He has a perfect plan for us. I like to be in control, know what is going on, and know what's going to happen next so this process is a little difficult for me. But I am trying to just trust Him and His leading in our lives.

We have some super exciting news! My brother Nathan and his wife Stacia just announced that they are expecting their first child sometime in September! This is going to be only our second niece/nephew on my side of the family. So we are really excited!!!! Another child to spoil.... i mean love. =)